View the Syllabus
Course Overview:
Writing Strategies 5 Weeks
Week 2: Choose the most effective way to revise sentences or combine them
Day 1:
Warm-up - write an example for each part of speech: noun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection.
- View the Subject/Verb agreement website. Write a definition in your own words for subject/verb agreement & Singular/Plural.
- From the Subject/Verb agreement website, write notes on #1-10 in your own words.
- Complete the first two quizzes at the bottom of the Subject/Verb Agreement website. Write down the question and explanation for any incorrect answers.
- Explore News Summaries. Pick 2 Headlines and four sentences from the same article. Underline the Subject and Circle the verb in the Headline & four sentences.
- Write five complex sentences of your own.
- HW/CW - Complete pages Using Pronouns 211, Using Verbs 223, and Using Verbs 225 in Foundations Workbook. Examples of Pronouns.
Warm-up: Complete four Mad Libs. Write down one of your stories and share with class.
- Read Jabber-wocky. Identify parts of speech of strange words.
- Write a paragraph about what the poem is about and what you have learned about language.
- Complete page 15-Context Clues in Foundations Workbook.
- Review Revising & Editing Terms and Marks on pg. 301
- Complete pages 303 & 305, 307, & 309, in Foundations Workbook.
- Complete pages 162 - 165 in CAHSEE Advantage Workbook
Day 1:
Warm-up: Respond to the following: What do you feel good about in this class so far?
What do you need extra help with? How can you improve?
Quiz #2
Complete the following pages in the Foundations Book:
- Using Adjectives 227
- Using Adjectives 231
- Using Adverbs 235
- Using Adverbs 239
- Using Prepositions & Conjunctions 243 (Examples of Prepositions.)
- Writing with Conjunctions 248 (Examples of Conjunctions)
Day #2
Warm-up: Respond to the following: What are the characteristics of a leader? How are you a leader?
- Take notes on the Passive vs. Active Powerpoint
- Complete the Passive vs. Active worksheet and turn in to Ms. Jones
- Complete Active/Passive Exercise #1. Write down any incorrect sentences and the correct answer.
- Complete Active/Passive Exercise #2. Write down any incorrect sentences and the correct answer.
- Copy the Passive Verb Formation Chart (scroll down the page) then complete the quiz at the bottom of the page. Write down incorrect sentences and the correct explanation.
- HW - Complete Punctuating Properly pages 271, 263, & 265 in the Foundations workbook.
Week 4: Identify a bibliography entry for a book, article, or other source 10/6 - 10/10
Day #1 Warm-up: What is plagiarism? Why do people do it? Do you feel it is cheating?
- Quiz #3
- Takes notes on different types of CITATIONS.
- Label citations on the sample bibliography
- Click on the Bib. Card Site. Choose any topic to research on the internet. Find the sources (book, magazine, interview, book with 2 authors, book with an editor) on the internet, then create at least five citations/bib. cards for each source.
Day #2
- Brainpop on Citing Sources
- Take notes on Powerpoint about Citing from the internet & within a book & when someone is speaking
- On-line Bibliography Scavenger hunt about Campaign 2008 - Find five sources and create a bibliography for them.
Week 5: Determine rather the theme or thesis supports an essay
Week 5: Identify theme of essay & appropriate supporting evidence
Essay Writing 5 Weeks
- Create a visual metaphor for each type of essay
- Biographical Narrative – essay about significant events from a person’s life.
- Response to Lit. – Essay about the main ideas or themes from a literary work
- Non-Fiction Essay – Essay about the main ideas or themes from a nonfiction piece of writing
- Expository Essay – Write an informational essay based upon your own knowledge
- Persuasive Essay – Write a persuasive essay that expresses an opinion about an issue.
- Practice Exams
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