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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Integrated English

The major purpose of this course is to provide you with a comprehensive Language Arts foundation in Writing Strategies, Writing Conventions, Word Analysis, Literary Response, Reading Comprehension, and Essay Writing. Using the California English Standards as a framework you will develop these skills through direct instruction, reading, test prep, and on-line tutorials.

View the Syllabus

Course Overview:

Writing Strategies 5 Weeks

Week 2: Choose the most effective way to revise sentences or combine them

Day 1:
Warm-up - write an example for each part of speech: noun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection.

  1. View the Subject/Verb agreement website. Write a definition in your own words for subject/verb agreement & Singular/Plural.
  2. From the Subject/Verb agreement website, write notes on #1-10 in your own words.
  3. Complete the first two quizzes at the bottom of the Subject/Verb Agreement website. Write down the question and explanation for any incorrect answers.
  4. Explore News Summaries. Pick 2 Headlines and four sentences from the same article. Underline the Subject and Circle the verb in the Headline & four sentences.
  5. Write five complex sentences of your own.
  6. HW/CW - Complete pages Using Pronouns 211, Using Verbs 223, and Using Verbs 225 in Foundations Workbook. Examples of Pronouns.
Day 2:
Warm-up: Complete four Mad Libs. Write down one of your stories and share with class.
  1. Read Jabber-wocky. Identify parts of speech of strange words.
  2. Write a paragraph about what the poem is about and what you have learned about language.
  3. Complete page 15-Context Clues in Foundations Workbook.
  4. Review Revising & Editing Terms and Marks on pg. 301
  5. Complete pages 303 & 305, 307, & 309, in Foundations Workbook.
  6. Complete pages 162 - 165 in CAHSEE Advantage Workbook
Week 3: Use Active rather than passive voice 9/29-10/03

Day 1:
Warm-up: Respond to the following: What do you feel good about in this class so far?

What do you need extra help with? How can you improve?

Quiz #2

Complete the following pages in the Foundations Book:
  1. Using Adjectives 227
  2. Using Adjectives 231
  3. Using Adverbs 235
  4. Using Adverbs 239
  5. Using Prepositions & Conjunctions 243 (Examples of Prepositions.)
  6. Writing with Conjunctions 248 (Examples of Conjunctions)
All pages are due on Day #2 (Head your paper with the assignment title and page number)

Day #2

Warm-up: Respond to the following: What are the characteristics of a leader? How are you a leader?

  1. Take notes on the Passive vs. Active Powerpoint
  2. Complete the Passive vs. Active worksheet and turn in to Ms. Jones
  3. Complete Active/Passive Exercise #1. Write down any incorrect sentences and the correct answer.
  4. Complete Active/Passive Exercise #2. Write down any incorrect sentences and the correct answer.
  5. Copy the Passive Verb Formation Chart (scroll down the page) then complete the quiz at the bottom of the page. Write down incorrect sentences and the correct explanation.
  6. HW - Complete Punctuating Properly pages 271, 263, & 265 in the Foundations workbook.

Week 4: Identify a bibliography entry for a book, article, or other source 10/6 - 10/10

Day #1 Warm-up: What is plagiarism? Why do people do it? Do you feel it is cheating?

  • Quiz #3
  • Takes notes on different types of CITATIONS.
  • Label citations on the sample bibliography
  • Click on the Bib. Card Site. Choose any topic to research on the internet. Find the sources (book, magazine, interview, book with 2 authors, book with an editor) on the internet, then create at least five citations/bib. cards for each source.
H.W. Complete pages 184 - 188 in the Advantage CAHSEE book

Day #2

  • Brainpop on Citing Sources
  • Take notes on Powerpoint about Citing from the internet & within a book & when someone is speaking
  • On-line Bibliography Scavenger hunt about Campaign 2008 - Find five sources and create a bibliography for them.
H.W. Create a word map for each part of speech. Use the Part of Speech Site. Then complete the 3 exercises on-line.

Week 5: Determine rather the theme or thesis supports an essay

Week 5:
Identify theme of essay & appropriate supporting evidence

Essay Writing 5 Weeks

  • Create a visual metaphor for each type of essay
  • Biographical Narrative – essay about significant events from a person’s life.
  • Response to Lit. – Essay about the main ideas or themes from a literary work
  • Non-Fiction Essay – Essay about the main ideas or themes from a nonfiction piece of writing
  • Expository Essay – Write an informational essay based upon your own knowledge
  • Persuasive Essay – Write a persuasive essay that expresses an opinion about an issue.
  • Practice Exams

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